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Startups: The Blueprint

 From Idea to Reality with a plan to take the guesswork out of starting a business
You've had an awesome idea, you know you're the one to bring it to life but how? Before you take the leap into full-time focus, you want to know what the market wants, how to make customers fall in love & formulate a strategy to take your idea to market.
You want to be sure of what you're launching, build a robust business & be sure you can reach your potential before going all in.

You've got the knowledge, you back yourself but this feels like new territory... how do you play it safe and approach this strategically?


You've got an ever-growing to-do list, everyone is telling you how hard it is to start a business and it's starting feels overwhelming. Or maybe you've been burnt before & want to do things differently this time.


You can't shake the idea, you know the time is right for you to start something but things don't feel like they're moving forward. How do you fill the skill gaps when there are so many hats to wear?

From a dream to a revenue-driving reality

From years of working with startup founders & entrepreneurs, I've seen my fair share of great ideas. But without removing uncertainty, working with insights & smart execution, starting anything new is risky. Using battle-tested approaches, you can increase your chances of success.

Let me introduce you to The Blueprint

A mixture of Silicon Valley's finest startup methods, growth techniques & experiments, we will take you from a fledgling idea to out in the market making waves.

Learn how to read customers, develop market-ready propositions on a shoestring whilst removing uncertainty.


Develop skills to complement your awesomeness, supercharging your progress. It can feel like you're getting nowhere fast so let's create some momentum & ensure your time is spent well.

A picture of Rebecca wearing a black top, smiling

Shaped from years of experience supporting businesses in incubators, accelerators & growth hubs. This programme will help you formulate your approach, develop your strategy & create growth, without the need for huge financial investment.

Startups are different to any other business

Whether it's a tech startup, a small consultancy or a service starting something new is hard. You need to understand the market, make considered decisions & make your resources go further. 

You know it's time to follow your dreams but how do you go from a concept to a fully-fledged business which actually makes money? Every time you sit down to plan the to-do list gets longer, the money you need to spend increases & it's just getting overwhelming. 

What's your brand going to look like? What's your route to market? Where will you find your customers? What website should I build? 

You might have been told you need to achieve problem:solution fit on the way to product:market fit - what the f*ck does that even mean??? All you want is a clear and simple approach which means you can work out what to do. I've got you. 

In this programme, I'll teach you core principles which will reduce risk, increase productivity, create data & get you further, quicker. You'll learn about OKRs to increase your focus, design thinking to make sure you're developing things your customers love & experiments which allow you to test ideas; gaining actionable insights in days rather than weeks. 


It's all about speed, action & focus.


You won't need huge investments to start your business, we'll work out quick wins to get your business out in the market, with you proud of the message you're broadcasting. Together we'll understand what elements need strengthening or re-working so you can focus on building a getting out there & building a client base. 

Let me help you with years of experience..... 

One of the best bits of my job is working with entrepreneurs in accelerators, incubators & government programmes. Together we get to delve into their business; accessing & fixing issues which are holding them back. Over the years I've seen many things, but most of them boil down to people focussing on the wrong thing & spending resources in the wrong place. 

If your business will need funding in the long term, you need to prove its viability. With the chicken & egg scenario of limited funds pre-investment & the need for traction before investors show interest, you need to get smart & sneaky. 

Rebecca and a co-facilitator Neil laughing

It's hard & at first, you don't know what you don't know. Your plan might be based on what you've seen in a more traditional business. You might think you need to do things "properly" for people to take you seriously. It's not to say you won't need to do these things at some point, but not right now. Let's test the model, prove there's a business there & then you can go into build mode.


I've worked with over 300 founders, probably closer to 400 these days. Let me take these insights & help you shortcut your process. You may need to pivot to another idea, change your business model or start with a totally new idea. All of that is fine. I just don't want you to spend valuable time, money & energy on the wrong thing. 

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The framework we'll use

Element 1: Business Fundamentals - Learn how to de-risk decisions, take messy action & make results happen with a limited budget. You'll learn how to prioritise learning over procrastination & perfectionism, whilst having accountability to ensure progress.

Element 2: Dodge The Bullets - Learn from & avoid common mistakes made by budding entrepreneurs.

Element 3: Go To Market Strategy - Plan your route to market, identify marketing channels of choice, define your ideal clients & key messaging. We will work through your business model & how you position this to the market.

Element 4: Online Confidence - Small safe steps & experiments to help you show up online, craft marketing & build your business.

Element 5: Psychological Safety - Develop trust in your abilities, push yourself & learn it's ok to fail - the insights are more important.

Action beats perfection. Every time. Let me help you break the mental tangle & give this idea its best chance to succeed.

This is for you if...

- You want to get a head start in your business & ensure you're avoiding some common mistakes. 

- You're prepared to get out there, test your ideas & evolve your offering based on the insights you get. 

- You want to learn how to build a business fast on your own money, with a critical friend & cheerleader supporting your progress. 

- You want to execute with customers & the market at the centre of your focus rather than your assumptions & ego. 

- You're considering securing funding, entering an incubator or accelerator & you need some hands-on guidance. 

- You're more interested in selling your idea than what your customers want. 

- You don't like being answerable to someone or challenged in your thinking. 

- You are insistent that everything must be executed like you're running a business with a £1m a year turnover. 

- You would rather spend 3 years of your life & thousands of pounds in blissful ignorance. 

- You believe the answer is obvious & you just need to replicate something which is already out in the market. You just need to secure the money from someone else for it to be built. The sales will be easy & you can retire to Bali in the next 5 years. 

This is not for you if...
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The nitty-gritty

- Fortnightly 90-minute coaching call across 3 months (6 calls) to get your business in great shape
- Voxer support between calls (a grown-up walkie-talkie) for cheerleading, ad-hoc support & accountability between calls - you'll have me in your pocket for advice on the go! 
- The best of my business planning toolkit for easy-to-implement solutions to the biggest challenges in business 

£1,400 paid in full or £500 per month

Next steps

  • We'll jump on a chemistry call to ensure I'm the coach for you. You'll get the experience of working with me to help you get to a hell-yeah decision.

  • Our initial session will map out where you are with your business & what you want to achieve.

  • We'll meet fortnightly to drive your business forward, checking in on progress & developing a strategy best for you.

  • We'll agree on homework & tasks to propel your business forward, with me onhand for support at every step.

Need some support but funds are tight?

I try to follow an equitable pricing approach therefore please get in touch and we can try to come to something which works for both of us. I'm keen to help as many founders as possible and this is my way of giving back to the community. I also offer 2 pro-bono coaching spots for early-stage founders with exciting ideas and potential, so it's always worth getting in touch to check whether one is free or to join the waitlist. 

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